Select your Package

Use hackshield to prevent player cheating in the game.

OWNDEV TYPE I (Max Login 300 User)

* Attack System (increase or decrease)
* Interracial Auction (Allows trading at the auction for all races)
* Item Socket Gems Ability
* Instan Item Charge
* HolyWar (chip breaker reward)
* TAB Target (can enable or disable)
* Skip Tutorial for new characters
* Store with ore/process and hunting point
* Discord Integration (Discord status activity playing your game)
* Potion Replaced (Replace potion effect to money, gold, etc)
* Potion Save (if you logout or disconnect potion doesn't disappear)
* Looting Fixed (Fixed total amount of looting (can random or not))
* Looting Replaced (replace to money, gold, etc)
* New Quest type Kill normal player or patriarch (edit on script)
* New Quest type Guild (edit on script)
* New Effect Generator (edit on script)
* Display chip status
* Display text HEAL force/class skill
* Display special effect description on resource item
* Enable/Disable Right Click remove buffs
* Auto Regen CashPoint by Minute
* Auto active magazine (if have purse charger in equip slot)
* GM Commands (new command/grade configuration)
* Enchant (save, downgrade, destroy config and fail notification)
* Hardware tracking or blocked
* NPC Buffer
* Party Pvp Shared
* Disable delete character with config
* Smart box open (auto stack items)
* Monster Notification (Die/Rebirth)
* MAU WASD (disable auto change keyboard mode when use MAU)
* Reinstall Tower after Disconnect (config enable or disable)
* Candidate Regist (with condition and payment config)
* Can enable zero tax system
* Vote (with condition config)
* Interface Delay item/skill
* Interface GuardTower percentage HP if used
* Interface Radar of each race
* Interface Tooltips
* Interface Border Item by grade
* Interface Talic Item on upgraded item
* Interface Boss Respawn Schedule
* Interface Kill and Death notices

IDR 300,000,-
IDR 500,000 Naknada za postavljanje
OWNDEV TYPE II (Max login 2532 User)

* Attack System (increase or decrease)
* Interracial Auction (Allows trading at the auction for all races)
* Item Socket Gems Ability
* Instan Item Charge
* HolyWar (chip breaker reward)
* TAB Target (can enable or disable)
* Skip Tutorial for new characters
* Store with ore/process and hunting point
* Discord Integration (Discord status activity playing your game)
* Potion Replaced (Replace potion effect to money, gold, etc)
* Potion Save (if you logout or disconnect potion doesn't disappear)
* Looting Fixed (Fixed total amount of looting (can random or not))
* Looting Replaced (replace to money, gold, etc)
* New Quest type Kill normal player or patriarch (edit on script)
* New Quest type Guild (edit on script)
* New Effect Generator (edit on script)
* Display chip status
* Display text HEAL force/class skill
* Display special effect description on resource item
* Enable/Disable Right Click remove buffs
* Auto Regen CashPoint by Minute
* Auto active magazine (if have purse charger in equip slot)
* GM Commands (new command/grade configuration)
* Enchant (save, downgrade, destroy config and fail notification)
* Hardware tracking or blocked
* NPC Buffer
* Party Pvp Shared
* Disable delete character with config
* Smart box open (auto stack items)
* Monster Notification (Die/Rebirth)
* MAU WASD (disable auto change keyboard mode when use MAU)
* Reinstall Tower after Disconnect (config enable or disable)
* Candidate Regist (with condition and payment config)
* Can enable zero tax system
* Vote (with condition config)
* Interface Delay item/skill
* Interface GuardTower percentage HP if used
* Interface Radar of each race
* Interface Tooltips
* Interface Border Item by grade
* Interface Talic Item on upgraded item
* Interface Boss Respawn Schedule
* Interface Kill and Death notices

IDR 500,000,-
IDR 500,000 Naknada za postavljanje

Potion Kill IDR 50.000 ($4)/month
*Kill player without touching
Looting Time IDR 50.000($4)/month
*Set timer start and end per index on script
Store Premium IDR 50.000 ($4)/month
*Hide the store if player not active premium service
Tower License IDR 50.000 ($4)/month
*Can use guard tower if the player have item
Dungeon Time IDR 50.000 ($4)/month
*Can only enter the dungeon within the specified time
Infiniti Potion IDR 100.000 ($7)/month
*Set unlimited potion amount
Guild Point IDR 100.000 ($7)/month
*New guild rank point by rules
Looting Magnet IDR 150.000 ($10)/month
*Auto take item from monsters (not work pitboss)
War Battle IDR 150.000 ($10)/month
*Support for focused War Battle (many rules)
Broadcast Message IDR 150.000 ($10)/month
*Send message to All Player, Race or Map
Guild Skill IDR 500.000 ($35)/month
*Can improve the atk,def,etc for all member
Enchant Protector IDR 500.000 ($35)/month
*Disable Downgrade/Destroy item on every upgrade
Auction Cash IDR 1.000.000 ($70)/month
*Can use Auction/UnmannedTrader with cash coin
Season Pass IDR 2.300.000 ($150)/month
*For the event item reward

IDR 0,-

IDR 500,000 Naknada za postavljanje

Basic License Module
- Billing Agent
- Constant manager
- Remote Offset
- Chat log
- Loot name replace
- Loot to different currency exchanger
- Guild Manage setting module / GvG for dalant
- Election system settings and fixes
- Item upgrade chances
- Boss respawn control
- NPC buffer
- Client zoom distance
- Potion module
- Boss loot radius and delayed pick up
- GM Commands
- Player Formulas for defense, resistance etc
- Event Item looting error
- Archon/Chip Holder aura setting
- Wisdom Talic debuff time effect
- Item accuracy effect for skill
- Player experience in MAU
- Boss Announcement

Free subscription 1 month
Subcription 1 Month is 13$

IDR 7,000,000,-

IDR 1,000,000 Naknada za postavljanje

License Type 2 Module(Basic included)
- Auto loot
- Map buff module
- Top 5 guild bonus
- Dungeon system module
- New Quest Type module
- CPT and Temporary Point party share module.
- Interracial Auction House
- GM and Premium player name color
- Chip War monster killing limit
- Premium player locked NPC store
- Welcome window when entering game
- Quest monster display in game

Free subscription 1 month
Subcription 1 Month is 13$

IDR 9,000,000,-

IDR 1,000,000 Naknada za postavljanje

License Type 3 Module (License 2 and Basic included)
- Interracial Guild War
- LUA script engine extender
- LUA automatic events
- NPC Voice
- Guild Point
- UI Menu Window
- UI Boss Respawn

Free subscription 2 month
Subcription 1 Month is 13$

IDR 11,000,000,-

IDR 1,000,000 Naknada za postavljanje

Fixed Crash Server.
Fixed Guild.
Fixed Guild Honor.
Fixed Bank.
Fixed Trap & GuardTower.
Fixed ASPD (For work fix , need use client protect).
Fidex FlyHack & WallHack & SpeedHack.
Fixed Create a character with no nickname.
Fixed Create a character with the nickname of the prohibited characters.
Fixed Macrose’s.
Fixed Trade Hack.
Fixed -1 Coordinat.
Fixed Things get a premium package.
Fixed Cheat abilities through the set items.
Fixed Vote for the leader race.
Fixed GM’s logging activities and logging chats players.
Fixed Post.
Fixed Auction (Purchase your item is).
Fixed Auction (Overflow money).
Fixed Auction (Buying through a change of class Player).
Fixed Auction (Dupe through the re-registration).
Fixed Cash Shop.
Fixed GM Command.
Fix GM Command $notice.
Fix appearances in textures GuardTower.
Fix Attack range.
Fix Debuff range.
Fix Use buff in SiegeMode.
Fix Teleport in war mode.
Fix Showing sharpening through bug.
Fix Pvp point Leak in race cora(abyss potion).
Fix Cheat Potion same effects when using dual Potion(ipdou01).
Fix Make Item (Add function disable/enable in Additional.ini)Now with a successful craft gives PT.
Fix over damage race debuff.
Fix bug looting stack.
Fix ore extraction +4.
Fix using the effects of weapons in Siege set.
Fix recoll potion.
Fix Mail(New dupe items.)
Fix Using things leader of the race, not the leader of the race.
Fix more 2 ring in slot inventory.
Fix load processor for low pc and big online.
Fix Wrong Effect talics.

IDR 9,750,000,-
IDR 500,000 Naknada za postavljanje